It's amazing how quickly things can change, how one event, one moment in time can change the world in which we live. This weekend marks one of those historic moments in time. This historic weekend started with the Royal Wedding, London's biggest wedding in three decades, which marked the nuptials of the second-in line, Prince William, to the throne since Prince Charles famously wed Princess Diana. I have to admit that I suffered from some serious royal fever and woke up at 3am to watch the glamorous nuptials of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. It was quite a beautiful ceremony, one fit for a princess for sure!

Then, late this evening, while watching trashy Sunday night television
(ie., Real Housewives of Orange County), it was announced that Obama got Osama. Almost 10 years after the 9/11 attacks that killed more than 2,000 people on American soil, we finally got the man responsible for generating so much fear and hatred around the world. I want to take this opportunity to thank our armed forces for the many sacrifices it took to eliminate this being of terror.

God Bless America

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