Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas in New Mexico

Well, it's that time of year again: the smell of burning firewood billowing from chimneys, hot apple cider, christmas lights and holiday cheer. I love the holidays!! This year, my good friend Lara had a Christmas party full of spiked egg nog, yummy food and of course a white elephant gift exchange. I decided to get a little creative and make orange-cranberry infused vodka for my gift...everyone else decided to be funny. Check out the pictures below! It turns out that at least three of us were on the same wavelength, as three Snuggies made there way into the gift exchange. I was a recipient of one of them...a stylish zebra print Fuzzie Wuzzie!

While Christmas in New Mexico was a delight (thanks for creating the holiday cheer, Lara), I am anxious to be on my way to sunny and warm California to spend Christmas with my family. It'll be our last Christmas in our home in San Diego for awhile, so we're going to make it a good one! Stay tuned for "Christmas in California".

Cranberry-Orange Infused Vodka

Christmas tree with White Elephant Presents

Opening my Fuzzie Wuzzie!

Enjoying my Fuzzie Wuzzie

Matt has the real deal Snuggie

Team Snuggie: Me, Matt and Emily

Andi got Candyland!

Skully speakers for Tony
Lara got these cool water bottles, then Nicole stole them from her!